nirvana_wander2014-02-08 13:08:16
Teacher 8, We are green card holder and recently adopted a child in China. Can we file I-130 for the child now (The child is still in China). If Yes and we file I-130 now, can the child apply for B-2 visa in China in the future?  Does the I-130 filing make B2- visa
application more difficult?
8632112014-02-08 15:08:40
回复:Teacher 8: Adoption question, please help
nirvana_wander2014-02-09 07:28:25
回复:another question for 2 year rule
8632112014-02-09 16:59:00
回复:回复:another question for 2 year rule
nirvana_wander2014-02-10 20:06:13
回复:Thank you so much, teacher 8