我申请EB1a, 申了4条, 回来的意见说是2条不满足, 请问这种情况下, 我是必须把2条都答复上吗? 还是集中一条回复也可以?
另外, 请问我是否可以补充一些内容,比如在申请提交之后的这段时间新发表的论文。我看到Request for evidence开始部分写了关于补材料的一段话
To process the petition and determine if the beneficiary is eligible, additional information is required. This request provides suggested evidence that you could submit to satisfy each requested item. You may submit one, some, or all of these items. Or, you may choose submit none of them, and instead submit other evidence to satisfy the request. You may also explain why or how the evidence in the record already establishes eligibility.