以恩2016-04-14 02:28:19


尊敬的8老师,You suggested (please see below) that I wait a few more weeks and then ask NVC to send me the invoice. But some postings online saying that the first step of "Choose Agent" can not be skipped. It's an online form that either me or my husband has to fill out. Right now we can't even access online forms using the case and invoice number. I called NVC but the representative sounded like all I can do is to wait for further processing. I'm worried how long it will take NVC to take the next step.

Since I filed 824 concurrently with my 485, does the 6-step still apply to us? I have already submitted other documents like Affidavit of Support to USCIS when I filed 824. Any ideas, thoughts, suggestions? Thank you!

(Previous message FYI) 尊敬的8老师: 多谢您之前给予的关于824 follow-to join 的帮助!再请赐教!我在美国,先生在中国,我递交485同时为他递交了824,2015年11月4日均批准。几经周折,今年3月16日,NVC终于把他的信息输进系统,可是他的名字被写错(已更正)而且分类似乎被列成需排期。我打了很几次电话,说明他不需要排期,可是(不想抱怨!)...... 有一次终于打动一个人心,帮我问了主管,然后继续帮我查,最后告诉我他是被列为follow to join, 而且还告诉了我invoice number, 我问她是否可以交钱了,她说要等NVC的通知。我先生试图用case # 和invoice#上网填写选择agent表格,得到的反馈是案列还没经NVC批准。

我每周五给他们打电话,可是服务代表上网一查,又是说法不一,最近一个又说要等排期,我再次说明情况,她又继续查,最后告诉我:你的case目前under supervisor review. 我问要多久才会有结果,她说没有限期。议员办公室也在帮我询问,得到的答复差不多,只是他们只要到了case number,没有invoice number。


--Wait for a few weeks, then call them again to ask them to send you the invorce.  Normally sometimes the process is slow in NVC becuase probably there are more cases there for processing.


8632112016-04-14 03:54:54