Maygirl1022005-01-15 04:18:32
Does anyone filed H-1B (change status from F-1) after August 10 2004 got approved in NSC?

The staff in my university told me that some guys (same situation as mine) filed on Aug. 18, 20 and 24 have received the approval. She called USCIS but was told that my case (filed on Aug. 10, 2004) was not processed yet.

I urgently need the approaval to attend the conference in China on Jan.26. Do you think I still have the chance to get it before then? I am really frustrated by this long and helpless waiting.

Many thanks?
no1knows2005-01-15 05:06:20
回复:H-1B current process
想飞就飞2005-01-15 16:06:39
NSC is very slow.
Maygirl1022005-01-16 04:49:51
回复:NSC is very slow.