don'tunderstand2005-03-18 21:23:03
I am a postdoc and applying for NIW now. When I looked at Attorney Fan's website, I really don't understand how come people always have so many
papers like 10, 20 or even 30s. I got a master from China, when
I did my master, I have no paper in China. Then I come to US for PHD.
I got my ph.d from a OK university (ranking about 40 national), I study
hard and my advisor is quite nice. So I have 2 papers and another one
submitted when I get my phd. Now i am doing postdoc and writing my 4th paper.
It usually takes more than 1 year or even longer to publish a paper.
As I know in my field, if you have 5-6 papers, you can possibly
get an Assistant professor position. And if you have get an
assistant professor, you don't go thru NIW anymore. LC is very fast in Univ.
How come people have so many papers???
iknowitnow2005-03-18 21:28:32
dotheycoun2005-03-18 21:34:01
trustme2005-03-18 21:35:13
Don't believe him
isitfair2005-03-18 21:37:08
wishyouluc2005-03-18 21:42:05
回复:Don't believe him
doesn'tmat2005-03-18 21:49:56
回复:回复:Don't believe him
Iknowitnow2005-03-18 21:51:51
wishyoubes2005-03-18 22:17:20
回复:回复:回复:Don't believe him
hahahu2005-03-19 00:39:07
what make you think
runningfox2005-03-19 17:54:50
it depends on research field
Paperisone2005-03-20 04:59:03
回复:How people have so many paper