us-gc2005-05-01 06:33:44
I will land in Canada at the end of the coming May. I will stay there a week and then come back to US. I wonder if there is any other benefits, cards or somthing like that I need to apply besides maple card. I really appreciate it if you could offer such a list or provide a weblink where I can find such info. Also, I have to choose a port near either Detroit or New York for landing. Which one is better choice if I decide to go there by driving a rental car? Again, thanks a lot!!!
askaq2005-05-01 13:51:49
回复:canada landing help
askaq2005-05-01 14:25:22
回复:canada landing help
Phenix2005-05-01 16:32:31
回复:回复:canada landing help
us-gc2005-05-01 17:56:27
回复:回复:canada landing help
Goodluck!2005-05-01 20:55:08
About SIN Card
hj992005-05-01 23:53:11
You need address for mailing
us-gc2005-05-02 03:08:58
回复: Thank you all !