paris11212005-05-03 15:44:59
Is there anyone with H1-B who just visited Canada recently (in 2005)? Is the 30 day rule still true, I don't need a valid visa stamp, as long as I have valid I-94 to come back in US?

I'm thinking of going there in June, and would really appreciate the answer so I'll feel better about going, thanks.
2penny2005-05-03 18:25:24
回复:H1B Visiting Canada(30dayrule)
paris11212005-05-03 18:51:50
回复:回复:H1B Visiting Canada(30dayrule)
2penny2005-05-03 18:55:46
回复:回复:回复:H1B Visiting Canada(30dayrule)
paris11212005-05-03 19:04:20
回复:回复:回复:回复:H1B Visiting Canada(30dayrule)
2penny2005-05-03 19:22:09
回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:H1B Visiting Canada(30dayrule)