发明电灯泡的美国科学家发明家爱迪生我们每个人都知道。 为研究出合适的金属作灯丝, 爱迪生失败了999次,被人嘲笑, 第1000次终于成功了.... 用爱迪生自己的话说是 “I haven't failed -- I've just found 10,000 that won't work". 从小学开始家长老师都会用爱迪生的故事激励同学们 -“天才就是1%的灵感加上99%的汗水”。
看纪录片 “The Inventor: Out For Blood In Silicon Valley", 作者Alex Gibney深入发掘认为找到了这女神Holmes内心深处的精
Alex Gibney: “for Elizabeth I think it was a prison of belief, and I think she believed she would get there. And therefore, she was entitled to fake it until she made it."