akc2021-10-24 15:52:07

网友们为朝鲜战争胜负爭的面红耳赤。中国惨胜也好,惨败也罢。想起三件史实。众所共知, 约翰逊总统挑起和扩大了越南战争。约翰逊曾对越南美军总司令William Westmoreland 说战爭靠老弟了,但不要耍麥克阿瑟花招。原话是 "I have a lot riding on you. I hope you don't pull a MacArthur on me." 其二有人主张美地面部队跨过十七分界线,约翰逊问了中国参战,咋办?约翰逊非但反对进入北越,也反对在北越搞破坏 (insurgence). 

Kennedy-MacArthur meeting in August 1962, which was “recorded by… a White House taping system.” The general told Kennedy that America’s greatest strength was its economy, and its greatest military asset in Asia and the Pacific was its unmatched naval power. The United States will always be outnumbered in Asia on the ground, MacArthur said, but “[t]he sea, beyond question, is ours.” If the U.S. achieves victory over our communist enemies, MacArthur continued, “In the last analysis, the difference will be the Navy.”


akc2021-10-24 17:32:09
hkzs2021-10-24 22:17:09