传奇巨蟒喜剧演员约翰·克莱斯(John Cleese)近年来因抨击“取消文化”和他所说的“闹笑话”而引发争议,听起来他似乎决心继续脱口而出令人毛骨悚然的观点和糟糕的笑话,直到有人介入并制止它。但据《好莱坞报道》报道,这正是奥斯汀西南偏南音乐节的一个喜剧小组上发生的事情,当时克莱斯在发表了一些关于奴隶制的令人尴尬的评论后,他的麦克风被抢走了。
Cleese 与漫画 Jim Gaffigan、Dulcé Sloan 和 Ricky Velez 以及主持人 Dan Pasternack 一起出现在 SXSW 的“John Cleese in Conversation”小组中。在身为布莱克的斯隆开了个关于殖民化的玩笑之后,据报道,克莱斯采取了防御措施,并指出人们“忘记了大英帝国是 6000 年来组织的基本政治单位——英国人并没有开始 [殖民化]。”
“我们知道,但你们都做得很好!”斯隆回应道。 “这就是我在这里的原因!我不应该在这里!”
“我们也给了你自由通道,”Cleese 回答。好莱坞报道指出,这条线引起了“人群震惊的呻吟声”,但克莱斯坚持了下来。
“历史就是一部犯罪史,”他说。 “这是一段强者殴打弱者的历史,而且一直如此。这是深深的,深深的厌恶。但是假装一个人比另一个人更糟糕——你知道英国人曾两次当过奴隶,对吧?”
“[人们] 在这种被压迫的行业中变得有竞争力,”他继续说道。 “我们被罗马人压迫了,英国人 400 [年],从大约 0 年到 400 年……我想要意大利的赔偿。然后诺曼人在 1066 年来到这里……他们是来自法国的可怕人,他们来殖民我们 30 年——我们在那里也需要赔偿,我担心。”
Legendary Monty Python comedian John Cleese has sparked controversy in recent years for railing against “cancel culture” and what he has described as “woke jokes,” and it sounds as though he’s determined to keep blurting out cringey opinions and bad jokes until someone steps in and puts a stop to it. But according to The Hollywood Reporter, that’s exactly what happened at a comedy panel at Austin’s South by Southwest festival when Cleese had his microphone snatched away after making some embarrassing comments about slavery.
Cleese was appearing on the “John Cleese in Conversation” panel at SXSW with comics Jim Gaffigan, Dulcé Sloan and Ricky Velez and moderator Dan Pasternack. After Sloan, who is Black, made a joke about colonization, Cleese reportedly got defensive and pointed out that people “forget the British Empire was the basic political unit of organization for 6,000 years — the British didn’t start [colonizing].”
“We know, but y’all did it so well!” Sloan responded. “It’s the reason I’m here! I’m not supposed to be here!”
“We gave you free passage, too,” Cleese replied. The Hollywood Reporter notes that that line drew “shocked groans from the crowd,” but Cleese persisted.
“History is a history of crime,” he said. “It’s a history of people who were stronger beating up people who were weaker, and it’s always been that. It’s deeply, deeply distasteful. But to pretend that one lot were worse than another — you do know the British have been slaves twice, right?”
“[People] get competitive about this business of being oppressed,” he continued. “We were oppressed, the English, by the Romans for 400 [years], from about 0 to 400… I want reparations from Italy. And then the Normans came over in 1066… they were horrible people from France, and they came and colonized us for 30 years — we need reparations there too, I’m afraid.”
The publication notes that “Pasternack repeatedly told the audience, ‘This is why your phones are locked up,’ and made a joke about ‘playing the Jew card,’ which, in turn, prompted Cleese to start to set up a, ‘Do you know why Jews…’ joke about a stereotypical physical trait. At that point, Sloan stood up and confiscated Cleese’s microphone.”
“And now you saved the colonizer,” Pasternack told her. “I saved a comic whose career I respect,” Sloan replied.
Yikes. It’s not Sloan’s responsibility to save Cleese from himself, of course, but it’s easy to understand her impulse to do so. He’s a comedy legend, and it’s sad to watch him as an out-of-touch old man refusing to read the room and railing against “political correctness.” Some might argue that Sloan should have let Cleese continue digging his own grave, but sometimes it’s best to just put everyone out of their misery.