austraveller2017-03-17 11:17:26

The Syrian Army said Israeli warplanes targeted Syrian army positions and hit a “military target” near Palmyra in a Friday morning raid, in what it described as an act of aggression that aided Islamic State. In retaliation the jets were targeted by Syrian anti-aircraft missiles with one of the Israeli fight planes shot down.

According to a statement by the Syrian Army, a total of four Israeli jets breached Syrian airspace on Friday morning, Reuters reports. Syria's air defenses shot down one of the Israeli jets over "occupied ground" and damaged another.

The Israeli Army confirmed it had conducted airstrikes on several targets in Syria, Israel National News reported. However, as usual the IDF insists that none of the jets was harmed. "At no point was the safety of Israeli civilians or the IAF [Israeli Air Force] aircraft compromised," an Israeli military spokesman said.

弓尒2017-03-17 11:58:35
以-叙 空战,继续!