austraveller2017-05-27 16:15:30

The Missile Defense Agency, or MDA, is accelerating the development of an interceptor that can take down several incoming warheads — or one warhead and several decoys — simultaneously. While MDA officials say the move is not a response to any specific threat, one prominent defense watcher notes that North Korea is likely working hard on missiles that can fire decoys to confuse interceptors.

The most recent Pentagon budget request seeks $259 million to move the Multi-object Kill Vehicle, or MOKV, program into a new development phase — and speed up its projected completion by five years.

“We have accelerated MOKV risk reduction and product development phases to achieve a demonstrated capability in the 2025 timeframe,” said an MDA official in an email to Defense One.  

MDA’s decision to accelerate the MKOV program is, in part, a vote of confidence in recent technological gains. On Tuesday, Boeing announced that MDA had awarded the company a $58 million, 35-month contract, to demonstrate their MOKV design.

“Our MOKV concept gives the Missile Defense Agency flexibility in eliminating threats more efficiently and affordably,” Paul Geery, a vice president of Boeing Phantom Works, said in a press release.

Related: Pick Up the Pace on Missile Defense

Related: As Missile Defense Technology Improves, So Do Odds of an Arms Race in the Pacific

Related: The Dirty Secret of US-Israel Missile Defense Cooperation

The MDA official said the acceleration decision is “not in response to any specific intelligence, but to stay ahead of potential future threats.”

王伍2017-05-27 16:25:52
austraveller2017-05-27 16:44:37
atrium2017-05-27 20:40:37
与朝鲜血盟的天朝, 面子最大, 谁给呀? :))
austraveller2017-05-27 20:49:38