希影2017-08-07 22:53:45


Upgrade to "a more complex, combined arms, division-level exercise": After Malabar, India & US gear up for September military drill

"The exercise will further boost the interoperability between the two armies at the battalion and company level. It will also help the Indian Army understand the doctrines, battle drills and procedures of the US Army"




// India and the US are steadily cranking up the scope, complexity and frequency of their bilateral military exercises as part of their "strategic partnership and convergence", even though New Delhi is as yet unwilling to join any formal tri-lateral or quadrilateral security axis to counter China's aggressiveness and expansionism in the Asia-Pacific region.


Incidentally, the US departments of defence and state, in a recent joint report to their Congress, said, "We see a growing convergence with India on our strategic outlook for the region, and we view India as an increasingly important regional security partner within and beyond the Indo-Asia-Pacific region." //

