panlm_2017-08-12 20:18:28
China may have 30 Yu Min bombs - Hydrogen bombs.

The Yu Min bomb, designed as a unique configuration by Yu Min in 1960s, is much smaller but much more powerful than the other type of H-bombs adopted in the US and Russia, that is easier to maintain and to deliver. Increditably, one Yu Min bomb is equivalent to 1000 atomic bombs dropped on the Jps head by the US Airforce in 1945.  

Prof. Jin CanYong, a well-known scholar on the international relationships at the People's University in Beijing, has reported in a speech that there are now 30 Yu Min bombs in the China nuke storage. If this is true, that means that these H-bombs alone would be equivalent 30000 atomic bombs ever dropped on the Japan's head by the US Airforce that eventually ended the World War II in 1945. Because of Japanese intrusion into other Asian nations including Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, China, etc. and Japanese troops killing over 40 millions of Asian civilians, the US and its allies including the Soviet Union (Russia) and China finally had to fight back to defeat the Japanese army in the WWII. Fortunately, the justice would have ultimately conquered evils, which has been proved in human's history!      

Everyone knows that China is a peace-loving nation, and has never invaded any country in history but was invaded by Jps and others in 1800s and early 1940s. Like Marshall Chen Yi said, China should have self-defence tools like hitting-dog-stick to defend her people and soils. That is why China developed nuke bombs in 1960s when the circumstances were so harsh in that time.

There is no doubt that the Yu Min bombs can be delivered by DF31AG, DF41, and DF5B long-range missiles to a place over 10000 km away from the launching sites. Also, this bomb is so small  that is able be transported by the JL2 missile launched from the 094 submarine - the JL2 may reach over 8000 km place. Obviously, the Yu Min bomb can be delivered by the H6K-bomber via a long range air to land cruise missile (CJ10) - 6000 km plus 1500 km equal to 7500 km. If refueled, the H6K may reach the place of over 10000 km.

There is a rumour that H20 stealth bomber is being developed - another tool to carry the Yu Min or other nuke bombs.

In summary, the estimate that China has only 250 nuke war heads and 50 long range missiles is untrue.
panlm_2017-08-12 21:02:01
You are absolutely right!
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