Over two months have passed since the Indian troops intruded the China soil at the DongLang (Doklam) area. India has claimed to help Bhutan - a member of the United Nations but is actually controlled by India - prevent China from building a patrol road in the area that is, as suggested by India, a disputed area between Bhutan and China. In doing so, India said it bases on the treaty signed by India and Bhutan in 1949, which was revised in 2007. Obviously, India wants to a
nnexe Bhutan like it did to Sikkim in 1970s, and grabbed Sikkim as a state of India. Sikkim was a small but a sovereignty nation at that time.
China's stand is clear that India must withdraw its troops from the China soil before any negotiation is conducted. Also, it is noticed that the Bhutan indicates that the Donglang area is not its territory. However, India seems to ignore all these but its troops remain in the China soil. Now, a big question arises. Who authorizes the Indian troops to invade the China territory and why it's doing so based on what? Does India have much stronger military powers than China? The facts will speak themselves.
Although India has much more military personal and more much weapons equipped at the border with China than China has, there is a very slim chance for India to win a potential war with China albeit its prepared for half century since its loss the 1962 war to China. That war was obviously initiated by India that wanted to move the border to the side of China over 100 km to the north. Ironically, India has occupied the land of ZangNa of China - ~90000 square km in area, although it lost the 1962 war. However, China has never recognized India's occupancy of the ZangNan area. If this dispute was not solved, a war would not be avoided eventually. Now, India likes to start another war with China in the Donglang area.
Because India has a strong army, has nuke weapons, and has supports from some countries it thinks, India urgently like having a new war with China to prevent China from peacefully rising. As pointed out before, India will not have any chance to win this war if it happens. A simple fact indicates this.
1. India annual electricity production per capita is less than 1/4 of China count part;
2. India GDP per capita is less than 1/2 of China;
3. India does not have stealth fight jets, but China has two models of 4th generation fight jets (e.g., J20, J31).
4. India has invaded and occupied the China territories. Justice is on the side of China.
5. God is watching what's happening, and always bless the right side.
How can India defeat China in a modern war?