Trade deficit is a decease of economy, reducing a nation's GDP. However, it is not difficult for President Trump to conque this problem because he was a successful business man before elected as the US president by American people.
It is evident that The trade relationship between US and China is complementary,and has mutual benefit, although it is also competitive. US enjoys the most advanced technology, high-productivity, and high-value added manufacturing sectors in the world, and has GDP almost two times higher than China counterpart (based on nominal dollar value or exchange rate). However, US does not permit to export high-tech products and services to China, resulting in its trade deficit with China that exports, however, tonns of low-end daily life needs products, like shoes, cloths, to the US. Goods imported from China are cheap, greatly reducing the living costs of American people. The trade between US and China is complementary and mutual benefitiary. A simple solution to the US trade deficits is to lift the restriction of high-tech export to China. That is it.