Vaillan2017-09-21 14:30:44

Vice President Mike Pence told "CBS This Morning" on Thursday that while the Trump administration is looking for a "peaceful resolution" to the North Korean crisis, the United States has many "options" to handle the ongoing threats posed by the regime. 

"What the secretaries have made clear, what the president has made clear, is we have military options but we earnestly desire a peaceable outcome that achieves what the Chinese foreign minister and I talked about yesterday. The entire world has one goal, and that is the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, we want to achieve that peaceably, but all options are on the table," said Pence. 

Pence also responded to criticism posed by former White House adviser Steve Bannon, who said in an interview that "there's no military solution" to North Korea, calling out that assessment as inaccurate. 

"There was some talk two or three weeks ago, some commentators, that the most powerful military on Earth doesn't have the ability to take action to defend our people, that's wrong," said Pence. 

中楠海智囊团2017-09-21 14:42:00
什么教训? 洞朗事件的赢家是天朝。
walkalong2017-09-21 14:50:02
中楠海智囊团2017-09-21 15:04:27
青松站2017-09-21 17:58:26