austraveller2017-11-10 04:04:15

Macron touts warship deal with UAE before surprise Saudi visit

A French-made Gowind navy corvette (file photo)
A French-made Gowind navy corvette (file photo)

France is set to sell a number of warships to the United Arab Emirates, French President Emmanuel Macron announced in Abu Dhabi, during a high-profile Middle East tour that also involved a surprise stop in Saudi Arabia.

Wrapping up his two-day visit to the UAE, Macron said Thursday that the tiny Persian Gulf country would get at least two French-made Gowind navy corvettes under the deal for an undisclosed price.

Developed by French military firm Naval Group, the warships are designed for missions in littoral zones, including coastal surveillance and anti-submarine warfare.

Macron also toured a French naval base in Abu Dhabi , where he hailed the military cooperation between the two nations.

The Camp de la Paix (Peace Camp), which is located at Abu Dhabi's Port Zayed, sits across the waters of the Persian Gulf and is home to some 700 French military personnel.

A symbol of France's deepening military ties with the UAE, the naval base was inaugurated in 2009 by then French head of state Nicolas Sarkozy. The UAE reportedly funds the base’s operation costs of up to $60 million a year.

"France's military capacity is at the heart of my ambitions for our country," the French president said before walking through the French frigate Jean Bart.

French military forces and aircraft are also stationed at the UAE’s al-Dhafra Air Base, which houses some of the 5,000 American troops deployed to the country.