panlm_2017-12-02 22:19:03
Who will fire the first bullet in the Korea Peninsular?

Tension has been much higher in the Korea Peninsular since the recent launching of a ballistic missile was shot by Kim III. A joint military drill of the US and South Korea will take place next week. It appears that a war will be triggered. But, who is going to shoot out the first bullet?

Obviously, Kim III does not want to press the trigger first although his grandfather - Kim I did it in the 1950s, leading to the Korea War. All signs suggest that the 'little rocket man' is not dare to do it again. He is afraid of being removed from the power so badly that he has to develop nuke arsenals to protect his ruling position and uses it as a bargain with the US and its allies when a talk is taking place. Therefore, Kim III will not press the trigger first. 

On the other side, however, President Trump will not initiate a war against the North Korea regime at the first hand, either. This is because he knows it is hard to control the war if it starts by an accurate calculation of the cost of the war from the view of a business man. His focus is to make America great again as he promised to all American people. He does not need to start a war in the Korea Peninsular, although he is really upset by the 'little rocket man' obviously.

South Korea President Moon does not want a war either, because he knows the consequence of it. Millions of Korean people will have lost their lives if a war occurs. Prime Minister Abe of Japan knows that Japan could be bombarded by the ballistic missiles equipped with nuke arsenals if he starts a war against Kim III. Mr. Abe, of course, does not hope that happens because he is not ready yet. He needs to revise the Pacific Constitution before the end of his term as the Japanese prime minister.

Russian President Putin does not want to see a war happen in the Peninsular, although he was angered by kim III who tested the missiles last week. Putin cannot forget the 1950s Korea war that he learned from his middle school history lessons when he was a kid. He seems to inherit the legacy of former Soviet Union that had supported the Kim regime in the 1950s Korea war in which many Russian pilots lost lives whilst fighting with the UN troops led by the USA.

As pointed out by China Foreign Minister Wang Yi that China does not allow a war to take place again in the Korea Peninsular, that clearly indicates the stand of China that President Xi does not want a war in the region although he was pieced off by Kim III who refused to meet the envoy of President Xi last week - Mr. Song Tao. China suffered millions of casualties in that forgotten war in the 1950s.   

It seems there is no solution to the Korean issue so far. Nobody can prevent Kim III from continuing its nuke and missile program. Is the threat real?    
bluesky2312017-12-02 22:49:36
5477882017-12-02 23:00:12
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