生命在于聊天2018-01-09 14:43:45

For clarity: after review of all data to date, Falcon 9 did everything correctly on Sunday night. If we or others find otherwise based on further review, we will report it immediately. Information published that is contrary to this statement is categorically false. Due to the classified nature of the payload, no further comment is possible.

Since the data reviewed so far indicates that no design, operational or other changes are needed, we do not anticipate any impact on the upcoming launch schedule. Falcon Heavy has been rolled out to launchpad LC-39A for a static fire later this week, to be followed shortly thereafter by its maiden flight. We are also preparing for an F9 launch for SES and the Luxembourg Government from SLC-40 in three weeks.

NEWHNAD2018-01-09 14:47:20
gapac2018-01-09 15:19:35
gapac2018-01-09 15:23:10
此次发射的美军卫星太神秘了。。。 :)
bluesky2312018-01-09 15:28:47
bluesky2312018-01-09 15:38:17