俄罗斯卫星通讯社莫斯科3月26日电 塔利班组织在阿富汗北部炸毁一座输电塔,导致从塔吉克斯坦向阿首都喀布尔的输电中断。
据阿富汗Ariana News电视台援引当地政府报道,该输电塔25日晚被不明武装人士破坏,导致塔吉克斯坦向喀布尔的输电中断;尚不清楚破坏者属于什么团体。
PUL-I-KUMRI/ KABUL (Pajhwok): Taliban insurgents have blown up a power pylon supplying electricity from Uzbekistan to Afghanistan in northern Baghlan province, the power utility said on Monday.
In Kabul, De Afghanistan Breshna Shirkat (DABS) said the militants destroyed the pylon with a bomb 22 kilometer from a sub-station in the Baghlan capital at around 2am.
The statement said a technical team had arrived in the area to repair the pylon. The problem would be fixed in a few hours, DABS promised.
Mahmood Haqmal, the Baghlan governor spokesman, confirmed the pylon was blown up in the Gylagi area of Doshi district. He told Pajhwok Afghan News the militants had planted explosives under the pylon.
A resident of the area, Mohammad Alam, said: “We did not hear the predawn explosion but, in the morning, we saw the fallen pylon.”
Two days back, the Taliban had warned of snapping transmission lines to Kabul in Baghlan if work on distribution of electricity was not launched in certain areas of the province.
In a statement, the insurgents said some areas of Baghlan were still deprived of the facility in breach of the commitments held out by the government.
The Taliban destroyed an electricity pylon in Dand-i-Shababuddin last year, cutting off the imported electricity supply to Kabul for 40 days.