including aircraft carriers, large ships, even fast moving semi-trailers on highways, 1500 to 4000 km (note: this is a very reliable estimation; the actual distance could be longer, for example, 3000 km - DF21D to 6000 km - DF26) away from the launching sites. What does this mean? And, how to accurately hit the moving objects?
The tricks are 1) locate the targets, 2) monitor them, 3) predict their moving trajectories, and 4) start striking and destroying the targets. All are upon maths and computing.
Please refer the post previously posted in this forum that I did not believe that DF21D has such ability to attack large moving targets because it seems impossible to do so. However, now, I am convinced that this type of missiles can do the job without doubt! Too sad, isn't it? Let's think a scenario that a large ship carrying couple of thousand crews is sunk by a deadly missile in an open sea and those men and women in uniform lose their precious lives without reasons.
Former Soviet Union had tried to develop similar missiles but failed. No doubt that the US army has similar or more advanced missiles than DF21D and DF26 used for striking large moving targets, although the US army has never disclosed any information about such deadly weapons. Another nation that may have similar missiles is North Korea, that seems impossible because it has never shown it. The Taiwan military research institute - Academia Sinica - has successfully developed a model of missile that may have such a capacity, but it can only reach ~1000 km targets.
People should trust that PLA is a peace keeping troop, and will never use DF21D or DF26 to attack other friendly armies except for hostile enemies.
See the link below for an article published in the National Interest.