panlm_2018-07-17 01:53:32

President Trump likes to improve the relationship of USA with Russia in order to reach his stratigic object, To Make America Great Again (MAGA). Just like what President Nixion did in 1970s to have China in the US side to oppose the former Soviet Union, President Trump is doing the opposit to unite Russia to be against China. However, today is different from the 1970s, a fast changing world - that people in the world prefer peace and economic growth than conflict and cold war. Such trend cannot be blocked regardless who are they, that has been determined.

No doubt both the presidents are smart men. President Putin was ~one hour late at the meeting, sending a clear message to the world that he was not care about this summit because he and his fellow Russians have been suffering for year due to the sanction imposed by the westerns including USA. However, President Trump was not unhappy with Putin's late showing up, albeit the fact his face expression was serious when he finally met Putin.

There are a lot of problems between the US and Russia, although President Trump likes to resolve them. President Putin seems to have some evidence unfavorbale for Mr Trump. Nobody can speculate what were talked about between them in the close door meeting. However, the joint press conference after the meeting are pretty successful, suggesting that some kind deal was made. 




青松站2018-07-17 02:54:15
我被网友TBOY封为中共大外宣有点得意呢,因为我对故乡中国大陆的事情比较关心、比较正面、看不惯中黑的说法。panlm_   2022-10-23 18:58:06楼下的老格:你牛得很,应该去当台湾省长,率领20万美式装备的国军精锐反攻大陆,战胜解放军!喝醉了吧?!panlm_   2022-10-23 17:45:54中共接班人问题一直被西方诟病,也一直被不知内情的国人担心。虽然有些杞人忧天,但是中共内部的政治安排的程序化、panlm_   2022-10-23 02:56:01习总搞定台湾是不容置疑的、板上钉钉的、无人不知的事情。怎么搞、何时搞,毫无疑问,习总及其幕僚早已胸有成竹、势在必得。panlm_   2022-10-23 00:57:36中共二十大代表大会上,前总书记胡锦涛在会议进行中被警卫员搀扶离席的视频成为世界头条爆炸性大新闻了!panlm_   2022-10-22 18:03:30习总的三句话,概况了他的执政理念,简单明了,意义重大。panlm_   2022-10-20 00:53:12我也来猜一把,看看准否。中共20大七名常委:1. 习近平,2. 胡春华,3. 汪洋,4.李强, 5. 赵乐际,panlm_   2022-10-13 03:35:48兰德公司老总对美国保卫台湾的建议是,向台湾提供足够的、必要的武器体系,阻止解放军攻台。详细见兰德公司的panlm_   2022-10-10 18:23:28俄军的问题很大,缺少前苏联红军视死如归的坚强战斗意志。相反,乌军却让人看到前苏军的影子!panlm_   2022-10-10 15:25:00中国搞一带一路,实质上帮助了美国美元,起到了用中国的真金白银在全球经济体系中支撑美元霸权的作用!panlm_   2022-10-09 15:03:02