declaring freedom of navigation. Fortunately, no confront with the PLA Navy took place although it was closely being watched. Obviously, UK, a developed country and member of G7 and NATO, is one of the most powerful countries in terms of its GDP per capita (~$48000) and military capabilities. Its annual electricity production per capita (AEPPC) was 5259 kwh in 2017, that was nearly 300 kwh more than the China (5000 kwh) counterpart (see the World Factbook at the CIA website). Interestingly, China GDP per capita was ~$9000 last year, much lower than the UK figure. Very interesting, indeed!
When looking at the composition of economies of both UK and China, a surprising point stands out that the UK economy (GDP) comprises over 80% service and less than 20% physical sectors (i.e. industry and agriculture), whereas the China GDP is contributed by 52% from service sector and 48%from physical economy. This simple comparison suggests that it may have not been wise for the UK Navy to enjoy the navigation freedom in the SCS if a real conflict takes place with the PLA Navy, although the former seems stronger. Think it about.
My conclusions are simple: 1) China GDP per capita figure was much undercounted if the physical law is right for both China and UK. (How can it be right for the difference of AEPPC of 300 kwh between them but the GDP per capita difference being 6 folds?)
2) China is a peace-loving nation, although she is forcing potential threat in the SCS. 3) It is time to review and revise all the GDP data of the nations worldwide by using a more reliable criterion, e.g. AEPPC. 4) AEPPC of 5259 kwh may serve as an index for a country that has been reached the level of developed countries, like UK; thus, China is still a developing nation because China AEPPC is lower than the index.
My final point is clear that the world is becoming better and more peaceful because of the contributions by all peace-loving nations including the USA, UK, France, Russia, and China.