三河匹夫2018-09-22 13:55:25

"We proved how the Syrian reckless anti-air fire was the direct cause of hitting the Russian aircraft. They fired quite recklessly and irresponsibly and unprofessionally into the air long after our planes were no longer there," the official said.

More than 20 Syrian anti-aircraft missiles were fired during the incident, the official said.

"Our Russian counterparts had a few questions, those questions were answered," the official said. "Our impression is that the discussions were professional and that the information was well accepted."

Russia's Defence Ministry was initially critical of Israel, saying it had only given Moscow one minute's warning before its jets attacked, putting the Russian aircraft in danger of being caught in cross-fire.

But the Israeli official said: "We definitely gave a warning, a time much longer than one minute. We acted in accordance with the standard operating procedures that are in place with the Russian military."