对于你附上的来自基辛格博士《On China》一书的部分,你是质疑我贴上的基辛格博士的阐述吗?不知你是已读过了还是没读,或是读了但并没理解。我仅附上1,2,3条原文回复你。1,2条稍早出现在书中你附上的部分,第3条就出现在你附上的部分里。第1条:美国和联合国原本就是要“以武力统一全朝鲜”,断定“中国没有能力出兵和美国对阵”;第2条:“认为北京会接受美军进入这个过去入侵中国的必经之地”,允许美国陈兵鸭绿江边,这是美国的如意算盘;第3条: “从更广泛的意义上说,朝鲜战争对中国而言不只是平局。它确立了新生的中华人民共和国作为军事强国和亚洲革命的中心地位。它还建立了中国作为一个令人敬畏的对手的军事威信,在以后的几十年中,这一威信始终不坠。对中国在朝鲜战争中的记忆成了后来美国对越南战略的一个重要制约。”
1.It authorized “[a]ll constituent acts” to bring about “a unified, independent and democratic government in the sovereign State of Korea.” Chinese intervention against U.S. forces was believed to be beyond Chinese capabilities.
2.After MacArthur’s stunning September 1950 victory at Inchon—where a surprise amphibious landing far from the Pusan front halted North Korean momentum and opened a route to the recapture of the South Korean capital of Seoul —the Truman administration opted for continuing military operations until Korea was reunified. It assumed that Beijing would accept the presence of American forces along the traditional invasion route into China.
3.In that broader sense, the Korean War was something more than a draw. It established the newly founded People’s Republic of China as a military power and center of Asian revolution. It also built up military credibility that China, as an adversary worthy of fear and respect, would draw on through the next several decades. The memory of Chinese intervention in Korea would later restrain U.S. strategy significantly in Vietnam.