"To say that this system is Orwellian is an understatement. Even George Orwell could not have imagined the new technology of totalitarianism. "
"Thus, this CCP-backed company is poised to determine the future of how people use everything, from transportation to health care. If it wins the global race to become the dominant player in mobile technology, then the rest of the world could lose control over the use and integrity of data to the CCP colossus."
Huawei Is the Doorway to China's Police State *****X6vgcbclFx
— Senator John Cornyn (@JohnCornyn) December 15, 2018
'Huawei is a spy agency of the Chinese Communist Party': Expert says Beijing's three 'revenge hostages' for arrest of tech 'princess' prove that smartphone maker is part of China's plan to dominate the 21st Century *****tNPhZh5qzS
— VietShowbiz (@Vietshowbiz) December 24, 2018
此外,捷克国家网络与信息安全局去年12月曾发出警告,称华为的设备可能对捷克的安全构成威胁。据捷克报纸Dennik N本周四报道,华为日前就此致函捷克网络和信息安全局局长纳夫拉蒂尔和捷克总理巴比,威胁如果捷克网络安全机构在2月14日前不撤回上述警告,就要把捷克共和国告上法庭。又据布拉格电台周六报道,捷克关键的基础设施包括约160家机构,都接到当局命令审查对中国的华为和中兴公司生产的软件和硬件的使用。
印度政府公布,他们委托资讯保安调查小组,找出总数 42 个由中国开发商制作的手机 程序,会将使用者资料传送回中国,以及存在能够对印度网络进行攻击的潜在风险。
所有印度军方人士收到通知,需要即时删除上述 42 个手机 Apps。
1. 新浪微博
2. 微信 (WeChat)
3. 茄子快传 (SHAREit)
4. UC News
5. Truecaller
6. UC浏览器 (UC Browser)
7. BeautyPlus
8. NewsDog
9. 小影 (VivaVideo)
10. 平行空间 (Parallel Space)
11. APUS浏览器 (APUS Browser)
12. 玩美相机 (Perfect Corp)
13. Virus Cleaner (Hi Security Lab)
14. 猎豹浏览器 (CM Browser)
15. Mi Community
16. DU recorder
17. Vault-Hide
18. 玩美彩妆 (YouCam Makeup)
19. 小米商城 (Mi Store)
20. 缓存清 (CacheClear DU apps studio)
21. 点心省电 (DU Battery Saver)
22. DU Cleaner, 23. DU Privacy
24. 360 Security, 25. DU 浏览器 (DU Browser)
26. Clean Master - Cheetah Mobile
27. 百度翻译 (Baidu Translate)
28. 百度地图 (Baidu Map)
29. 百度魔拍 (Wonder Camera)
30. ES档案浏览器 (ES File Explorer)
31. 百度魔图 (Photo Wonder)
32. QQ 国际版 (QQ International)
33. QQ音乐 (QQ Music)
34. QQ邮箱 (QQ Mail)
35. QQ影音 (QQ Player)
36. QQ news feed 浏览器 (QQ NewsFeed)
37. QQ同步助手 (WeSync)
38. QQ安全中心 (QQ Security Centre)
39. 潮自拍 (SelfieCity)
40. 网易邮箱大师 (Mail Master)
41. 小米视频电话 (Mi Video call-Xiaomi)
42. QQ桌面 (QQ Launcher)
The Government Has Named 42 Apps "Chinese Spyware", Including Big Names Like TrueCaller