austraveller2019-03-02 09:22:46

Tensions escalated on Wednesday as Indian and Pakistani fighter jets engaged in an aerial combat with an Indian MiG-21 aircraft shooting down Pakistan’s F-16 before crashing on the other side of the LoC.

F-16 fighter jet manufacturer Lockheed Martin refuted claims made by Pakistani officials that it would file a law suit against India for “claiming that the MiG-21 Bison of the Indian Air Force had shot down one of its planes”.

Lockheed Martin made the clarification on its Twitter handle after a media report was doing the rounds in Pakistan, shared by a official, Danyal Gilani.

“F-16 manufacturer Lockheed Martin to file law suit against false Indian claims & expresses annoyance over the factually incorrect claim of shooting down of Pakistan’s F-16 by IAF. Says all F-16s on Pakistani inventory r well counted for!,” tweeted Danyal Gilani.

The fighter jet manufacturer rubbished the claims tweeting, “Lockheed Martin has made no such comments”.