弓尒2019-07-16 17:12:27




杜鲁门 是位有思考的果敢的政治家, 有勇气,有决断, 有担当。

麦克阿瑟 是位纯军事而无大局的司令官。


解除麦克阿瑟的军职,不是 杜鲁门一人的心血来潮茫然决定, 参谋长联席会议,陆海空三军的主帅,都支持总统总司令的决定, 也可以说,是三军参谋长的决定由总统来宣布下达和执行。


麦克阿瑟 认为中国和军队不堪一击,主张战火连中国 一起烧, 杜鲁门和他的参谋长们,认为要打一次 有限战争,不要挑起第三次世界大战。而且 麦克阿瑟 几次公开批评杜鲁门总统的国际政策和方针。这惹恼了本来就对麦克阿瑟不感冒的 总统 杜鲁门。




A dispute between President Harry S. Truman and General Douglas MacArthur in 1951, during the Korean War. MacArthur, who commanded the troops of the United Nations, wanted to use American air power to attack the People's Republic of China.


The President, suspecting MacArthur might see that his days were numbered and resign before he could act, moved quickly, announcing the dismissal at 1 a.m. on April 11, 1951:

“With deep regret, I have concluded that General of the Army Douglas MacArthur is unable to give his wholehearted support to the policies of the United States Government . . . military commanders must be governed by the policies and directives issued to them in the manner provided by our laws and Constitution. . . . General MacArthur’s place in history as one of our greatest commanders is fully established.”


杜鲁门签署的 解职命令原文



Image result for truman's full order to dismiss macarthur



人生如梦9992019-07-17 20:05:29
要听麦克啊色的 中国早就民主国家了