Uusequery2019-08-24 18:42:08
  • China's military power may surpass the US's faster than you think, thanks to 6 shrewd strategies

  • China's military is well on its way to besting the US's technologic edge, due to rapid economic and military development.
  • By stealing already-extant weapons technology, China is developing advanced weapons at a rapid pace. It's also figuring out how to disrupt the US's battlefield systems, working on long-range weapons, and leading the way on artificial intelligence.
  • China is also developing highly secretive weapons which might include, "directed energy weapons, advanced space weapons, electromagnetic railguns, high-powered microwave weapons, or even more exotic arms," according to former Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert O. Work.
  • https://www.businessinsider.com/chinas-military-power-surpass-the-us-faster-than-you-think-2019-8
贪官2019-08-24 18:46:08
德州1232019-08-24 19:24:56
江东老表2019-08-24 22:50:17
不是早说了,东风导弹都是抄米锅的。 那东西是个玩具? 随便抄抄就能造了。
海少爷2019-08-25 05:53:07
第二条,Weaken China’s confidence ... by showing our own military pr