laworderus2020-06-29 23:44:29

India to receive six fully-loaded Rafales amid standoff with China

Amis LAC tensions, the Indian Air force is all set to receive 6 Rafale fighters by July end. The jet will arrive in Haryana's Ambala where the first squadron is based.

29 June 2020,
4:52 PM

[india to receive rafeals]

india to receive rafeals

Amid the ongoing dispute with China over its aggression along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), India is likely to get around six fully-loaded Rafale fighter aircraft by July-end fitted with the long-range Meteor air to air missiles.

The Rafales along with the Meteor missiles which can hit targets at more than 150 km strike range will give an edge to the Indian Air Force over the Chinese Air Force. “Depending upon the situation and the ongoing training of IAF pilots in France, we may get six Rafales by July-end. The aircraft will be arriving with their full package and will be made operational within few days itself,” government sources told ANI.

The original plan was to get four Rafales including three twin-seater trainer versions for training the pilots here at Ambala Air Force station, which will be the first base of the Rafale fighter jets in India. The second base would be in Hashimara, West Bengal, sources said.

hkzs2020-06-30 08:33:28