加拿大军事杂志《汉和防务评论》(Kanwa Defence Review)最新一期杂志中的一张卫星照片显示,解放军沿着边境地区的班公湖部署军队和武器。该杂志总编辑Andrei Chang说,解放军在前线机场的歼H-7轰炸机上装载了武器,显示他们随时准备好行动,也是边防空军处于二级战备状态的明显标志之一。他说: “我担心将来冲突可能会变得常态化,让中印边界实际控制线(LAC)变成另外一个克什米尔。”
最新,中國沒有恢復中印兩個外長在莫斯科討論的中印兩軍再次舉行邊境高級指揮官級別的會談。印度媒體認爲中國的動機已很明確,結合中國軍隊在拉達克地區的動員及進入二級戰備狀態,中共可能在冬季來臨之前的十月或十一月對印度采取軍事行動。因爲冬天來臨時,解放軍更沒有機會奪回已失去的領土。 *****XA3wEQUXDu
— 草祭 (@caojitw) September 16, 2020
"India's Troops Displaying Newfound Boldness", says this report. Well, the boldness is not newfound. It’s just that we always wanted peace. China thought we were harmless. PLA had to be taught a lesson. That’s all that there is to this story. *****DyrPMj8bqG
— Major Gaurav Arya (Retd) (@majorgauravarya) September 15, 2020
Chinese propaganda warriors in State Media should show the Chinese domestic audience this video of Indian Army’s preparation in the Manali Leh Axis and Jammu Srinagar Leh Axis of advance winter stocking. Might want to share it with ISPR paid TV channels in Pakistan as well. pic.twitter.com/sAtOrU3tvu
— Aditya Raj Kaul (@AdityaRajKaul) September 16, 2020
JUST IN: India & US hold Intersessional Meeting of 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue. Hinting at #China, statement says, ‘both sides discussed efforts to counteract recent destabilizing actions in South Asia and the broader Indo-Pacific region.’ Strengthen Quadrilateral consultations. pic.twitter.com/l38UL6JE99
— Aditya Raj Kaul (@AdityaRajKaul) September 11, 2020
Our commitment to the world today is the same one we made in 1941: we will remain ready to fight any foe & defend any friend. We will safeguard our values and all that we hold dear, at every turn, in any place. We will not back down, and we will not yield. pic.twitter.com/nAwcdwJJ5j
— Dr. Mark T. Esper (@EsperDoD) September 2, 2020
As tensions with China escalate, India is signing one defense pact after the other.
— Nikkei Asian Review (@NAR) September 10, 2020
The agreement with Japan for military supplies matches a logistics deal with Australia from earlier this year -- moves that come as China grows increasingly assertive.*****mpkS7WFWYT
Signing of the Agreement Between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of India Concerning .. *****K32gUbt992 pic.twitter.com/N9tenyrHqM
— MOFA of Japan (@MofaJapan_en) September 10, 2020
In this article, @ramya0831 explores how increasing anti-China sentiment in #India, #Australia, #Japan, and the #UnitedStates is creating a unique and unprecedented opportunity to resuscitate the #Quad. Read more:*****x6CmxvGBfd
— Statecraft (@statecraftdaily) September 16, 2020
— 温相 (@c6inkW5BN2CaHc2) June 5, 2020
六月间,印度也与澳洲签署类似协议—“后勤相互支援协定”(Mutual Logistics Support Agreement),使两国可以使用对方的军事基地。
印度金德尔全球大学(O.P. Jindal Global University)国防与战略研究教授Pankaj Jha说,“该协议完成了四方伙伴的后勤支援网络”,他指出,印度也与支持四方伙伴关系的国家,包括法国与新加坡达成类似协议,这让印度有更大的军事行动范围,对其在印太地区的海军远征提供支援。