God Bless American. We cannot thank enough for this good work and dangerous, work. While we are sleeping at homes, you are working 24/7 to protect us. We love you. keep up the great work. God Bless You and Protect You ?
— Zeyad ALshammari, PhD (@zeyad9999) May 9, 2021
After all illicit cargo was removed, the dhow was assessed for seaworthiness, and after questioning, its crew was provided food and water before being released.
— U.S. 5th Fleet (@US5thFleet) May 8, 2021
A view from USS Thunderbolt (PC 12) as IRGCN FIAC & helicopters conduct unsafe & unprofessional maneuvers in close proximity to U.S. forces during a Strait of Hormuz transit May 10.
— U.S. 5th Fleet (@US5thFleet) May 11, 2021
U.S. naval vessels were exercising transit passage in accordance with international law. pic.twitter.com/o1FUPrP4vj
For 36hrs @USSMonterey provided over watch & security for its @USCG boarding teams & the interdicted dhow throughout the 2day operation@USNavy conducts routine patrols in international waters to disrupt transport of illicit cargo that often funds terrorism & unlawful activity pic.twitter.com/hWa7PTbEhB
— U.S. 5th Fleet (@US5thFleet) May 9, 2021
A joint US Navy and Coast Guard team seized thousands of illicit weapons last week after stopping a small ship in the North Arabian Sea, the Navy said in a statement. *****PpkzIatbv3
— CNN International (@cnni) May 10, 2021
美国海军第五舰队报告日前在北阿拉伯海(North Arabian Sea)国际海域一艘无国籍帆船上,查获大批非法的俄罗斯和中国式武器。这批武器包括数十枚俄制先进反战车飞弹、数以千计的中国56式自动步枪,以及数百把PKM机枪、狙击步枪和火箭推进榴弹发射器。目前美国军方继续调查武器来源以及走私去向。
据法新社报道称,美国海军第五舰队(Fifth Fleet)今天表示,美军日前在北阿拉伯海(North Arabian Sea)国际海域一艘无国籍帆船上,查获大批非法的俄罗斯和中国式武器。总部设在巴林的第五舰队表示,美国弹道导弹巡洋舰蒙特瑞号(USS Monterey)在5月6日、7日的两天行动中拦截这艘帆船,并进行例行登船检查,查获大批武器。
#UPDATE A US vessel fired warning shots at more than a dozen Iranian fast attack boats which buzzed close to a US Navy submarine and escort ships in the narrow Strait of Hormuz on Monday, the Pentagon said *****cMzbByJzvt
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) May 10, 2021