美国国防部发言人柯比(John Kirby)说,陆战队得知,这名身分不明的婴儿患病,需要救助。他对媒体表示:“家长要求陆战队员照顾婴儿,因为孩子病了。所以那名越墙(拉婴儿)的队员把孩子送到机场内的一所挪威医院。医护人员治疗了孩子,并把孩子送回给父亲。”
美军陆战队发言人史登哲(Jim Stenger)证实,婴儿接受治疗后已回到父亲身边,两人在机场都平安。美国军方还释出其他一些经官方批准的照片,呈现军人向那些想逃离阿富汗的群众的孩子伸出援手。在其中一张照片中,一名军人穿戴战斗装备,怀里抱着强褓中的婴儿,像个新手父亲一样对婴儿微笑,同袍则站在一旁戒备。另一张照片里也有两名女军人抱着宝宝。
曾赴伊拉克参战的共和党籍联邦众议员梅杰(Peter Meijer)推文表示:“这就是我们必须成为的美国。”
Incredible footage.
— Task & Purpose (@TaskandPurpose) August 20, 2021
We have reached out to the Marine Corps for more detail and will follow up with a story if we get the answers
Marine giving Afghan children water pic.twitter.com/w6HUNeKuia
— Task & Purpose (@TaskandPurpose) August 22, 2021
WATCH: A small Afghan child was pulled over a wall to U.S. soldiers as large crowds gathered outside the Kabul airport. pic.twitter.com/eFjU1zst7l
— CBS News (@CBSNews) August 19, 2021
A U.S. Marine calms an infant during an evacuation at the airport in Kabul.
— ABC News (@ABC) August 20, 2021
Pentagon officials have said their focus remains on maintaining the airport perimeter and increasing the number of evacuees. Read more: *****nr90CH8hvP pic.twitter.com/PVvCHQjQ7B
A Marine provides fresh water to a child during an evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport, Kabul.
— ABC News (@ABC) August 20, 2021
The U.S. has evacuated approximately 9,000 people since Aug. 14, according to a White House official. Read more: *****diE0JJz1Ji pic.twitter.com/mbs9bcabSq
: U.S. Marine with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit carries a baby as the family processes through the Evacuation Control Center at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. *****cehKAbqNev pic.twitter.com/rTMX1fKRsD
— ABC News (@ABC) August 30, 2021
After at least four attempts in as many days, the family finally was whisked away by helicopter Wednesday in a dramatic rescue — called Operation Promise Kept — carried out under cover of darkness by the U.S. military and its allies.*****zMHzKr4Hg5 pic.twitter.com/kyuddObG4a
— Military Times (@MilitaryTimes) August 19, 2021
"Digital Dunkirk" -- This is the story you need to read today, by @jeffschogol -ESPECIALLY if you are still trying to help someone flee #Afghanistan As a sea of humanity fights to escape the Taliban, an Afghan interpreter and his family make it to safety *****NBKhYyctni
— Tara Copp (@TaraCopp) August 21, 2021
A ray of light in the darkness. My sincerest thanks to the Pineapple Express, but especially to my new friend, who is truly an angel. *****6I9KWGMeal
— Bill Roggio (@billroggio) August 27, 2021
Afghans needing help were told to identify themselves with a password or to flash pictures of pineapples on their phones *****DMHsqXr8IJ
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) August 27, 2021
NEW: Pentagon discloses that U.S. military used a helicopter at night to bring some evacuees, numbering fewer than 20, into the Kabul airport. *****msFdjQffgB pic.twitter.com/UuUjhdMlds
— ABC News (@ABC) August 25, 2021