俄军传统,指挥官都冲第一线。隶属俄国中央军区第 41 集团军副指挥官、空降兵近卫第7师前师长安德烈•苏霍维斯基少将,2日在乌克兰军队对俄军突袭行动的反击战中被狙击手击毙。
俄罗斯伞兵协会与发言人已发文悼念苏霍维斯基。《自由欧洲电台》记者Mark Krutov透过管道向俄军求证消息是否属实,得到苏霍维斯基死亡的消息。 荷兰事实核查网站《Bellingcat》执行董事格罗泽夫(Christo Grozev)也在推特发布苏霍维斯基死亡消息,并补充说:“如果得到证实,这将给俄罗斯军队的士气带来重大消极影响。”苏霍维斯基是特种部队专长出身,2019年至2021年担任俄军第七空降师指挥官,去年10月升官担任中央军区第41军团副指挥官。
This is huge loss of Russian forces in Ukraine. Deputy commander of the 41st Combined Arms Army Andrey Sukhovetsky. Former commander of the Novorossiysk guards mountain air assault division of the Russian Airborne Troops. Fought in Abkhazia, Chechnya, Syria. General Major. pic.twitter.com/ikvbNWpKLW
— Mark Krutov (@kromark) March 3, 2022
Just got yet another confirmation from one of his former army colleagues: "Guys called me and said the commander is no more. Aunt Lena said this morning she didn't speak with him [by phone] for 3 days" pic.twitter.com/nK9v6IeYzw
— Mark Krutov (@kromark) March 3, 2022
俄罗斯入侵乌克兰引发全球关注,基斯利茨亚(Sergiy Kyslytsya)今天在联合国大会紧急特别会议上,大声朗读这段讯息对话。
乌克兰安全局(Security Service of Ukraine)稍早透过通讯软体Telegram释出这张萤幕截图,乌克兰国家通讯社(Ukrinform)刊出相关报导,但未透露这名士兵死亡的情况,仅说是在战斗中殒命。基斯利茨亚说,“他在临死前几分钟”发送了这些讯息。
NEW: Russia did not tell some troops sent into Ukraine that they would be going into combat, per senior U.S. defense official.
— Jack Detsch (@JackDetsch) March 1, 2022
Some of the troops are conscripts, the official said, and the U.S. has seen large Russian surrenders in certain instances.
Ukrainian Ambassador to the @UN @SergiyKyslytsya reads text messages between a Russian soldier and his mother moments before he was killed.?
— CSPAN (@cspan) February 28, 2022
"Mama, I'm in Ukraine. There is a real war raging here. I'm afraid. We are bombing all of the cities...even targeting civilians." pic.twitter.com/kbWYZfbSpE
One woman, who grew up in Russia but now lives in Kyiv with a Ukrainian husband, said her cousin didn't believe her when she called to say Ukraine was being invaded. Russia was only conducting an operation against Nazis there, she said her cousin told her. *****X8dDDxE6qA pic.twitter.com/D5o22YjOCj
— The New York Times (@nytimes) March 1, 2022
Lyudmila Bukhantsova was shocked to learn on social media that her son, a Russian soldier, had been captured by Ukrainian forces.
— Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (@RFERL) March 1, 2022
He had only told her he was going on military exercises.
Now she is desperately looking for information, @svobodaradio reports. pic.twitter.com/2RrbaFbnT5