.@SecDef: Russia's actions have only further united the Alliance. Mr. Putin says he doesn't want to see a strong @NATO on his western flank--that is exactly what he's getting. pic.twitter.com/6MiIyWnvPd
— Department of Defense (@DeptofDefense) February 19, 2022
#USAF-35 fighter jets have recently landed in LAF #Šiauliai Air Base to reinforce #NATO #AirPolicing Mission in the #Baltic States. Welcome to #Lithuania, our #American Friends, and thank you for your solidarity. #WeAreNATO#NATOunity#StrongTogether pic.twitter.com/fvKowoMrUJ
— Lithuanian_Armed_Forces (@LTU_Army) February 24, 2022
《CNBC》报导,芬兰总理马林(Sanna Marin)当地时间周四表示,俄罗斯对乌克兰的全面侵略,将会使芬兰是否加入北约的长期辩论产生改变,“芬兰目前没有受到迫切的军事威胁。但现在情势很明瞭,是否加入北约的辩论将出现变化。” 此外,瑞典也响应了加入北约的号召。
俄总统普京强调,对乌克兰的军事行动为的是要其彻底远离北大西洋公约组织(NATO)维持中立化,因此,芬兰与瑞典的表态让俄国大为光火。外交事务部发言人札哈罗娃(Maria Zakharova)周五警告,“我们视芬兰政府的军事不结盟政策为确保北欧安全和稳定的重要因素”、“芬兰加入北约将会面临严重的军事、政治后果”。
— Henri Vanhanen (@HenriVanhanen) February 28, 2022
Historic polls as for the first time, the majority of Finns are in favor of #NATO membership. 53 in favor, 28 against and 19 uncertain. #Ukraine
Finnish lawmakers will meet tomorrow to discuss potential NATO membership. Security architecture of Europe is evolving at lightning speed. *****lK3hP7IcKf
— Zach Basu (@zacharybasu) February 28, 2022
Finnish demonstrators singing today at Russian Embassy in Helsinki, a patriotic Finlandia Hymn that was written during a russification period of Finland by Jean Sibelius at the beginning of the 20th century. Finland is changed in lyrics to Ukraine. Leaded by the ?@YLChoir? pic.twitter.com/eMMXuNUFYo
— Hanna Mahlamäki (@HannaMahlamaki) March 1, 2022
Tens of thousands took the streets of #Helsinki today to denounce Putin’s war on Ukraine. Throughout my 1,5 year in Helsinki I have never seen anything like that - RU embassy premisses, squares, main streets, local shops all fly the flag or message of Ukraine #venajaulos pic.twitter.com/HfLhELWs4b
— Viktorija Rusinait? (@vrusinaite) February 26, 2022
The reason Finland wants to join NATO is because your crime family regime keeps launching wars of aggression on its neighbors. This is why the civilized world hates you. *****0nSEgqWnJO
— Eli Lake (@EliLake) February 25, 2022