加减2009-02-03 23:24:04

西餐中吃 新奥尔良的JAMBALAYA

二年前,参加庆祝新奥尔良恢复家园的PARTY 因去晚了,看到自助餐桌上就有一盒一盒的“米饭”和一盒一盒的“卤“, 象是上海的盖浇饭。 盛了一些 “米饭”和 “卤” 在盘中, 吃下几口, Wow 好吃无比!一盘饭匆匆下肚后, 又去补充。这时餐桌前排起了长队, 因为新的“米饭”和“卤”又陆陆续续的上桌, 热气腾腾。问邻旁美国人此“盖浇饭”姓甚名谁, 答曰:新奥尔良著名特色JAMBALAYA

JAMBALAYA这名字不好记, 不久后就忘了。但电视电台等媒体仍在报道新奥尔良的新闻种种, 于是又一次二次的听到了JAMBALAYA。白纸黑字的记在了本上后, 去超市寻找, 不仅找到了新奥尔良的JAMBALAYA 还买回来了一系列的西班牙米, 墨西哥米和意大利米。

这些米的共同特色是有些象煲仔饭, 或豌豆香肠饭, 是由肉,蔬菜和米做成的。关于JAMBALAYA的做法, google出无数, 我在超市里买到的, 是已经配料好了的成品, 象是方便面, 只需要按照其说明一二三的下锅煮好即可, 在“盖浇”上自己喜欢吃的“卤”,我有时炒鸡丁, 炒虾仁的“盖浇”其上; 也有时将烧豆腐, 烧茄子的“盖浇”其上。

曾感慨米饭是中国的传统特色,怎末这些西班牙,墨西哥的就做出了花样。于是邮寄给国内的朋友若干以“有福同享”, 朋友一家大叫好吃, 只说是每盒包装少了点, 不够全家一顿餐量。无论如何, 美国的“米”是付食, “卤”是主食, 所以每一盒包装只是全家一餐的付食量。


Jambalaya is one of the most celebrated foods on Louisiana menus. The spicy concoction makes an appearance at virtually every festival in South Louisiana—especially the Jambalaya Festival in Gonzales, west of New Orleans, which calls itself the Jambalaya Capital of the World.

Similar to a Spanish paella, but feistier, jambalaya is made by cooking rice with almost any combination of meat, poultry, seafood, or game, along with peppers and other Creole seasonings. The name is believed to have come from the French word for ham, “jambon.” You can make a quick version by combining chicken, pork chops, ham, or shrimp with Zatarain’s Jambalaya Rice Mix. Our mixes are created with a built-in blend of authentic New Orleans-style spices, so it’s easy to whip up real jambalaya right in your own kitchen. All you need to do is add your favorite meat.

Jambalaya is great for entertaining since it’s easy to make in either small or large batches. Cajun and Creole cooks often prepare it outdoors in huge seafood boiling pots over propane burners. 

An insider tip: Experiment with your favorite combinations of meat and seafood. Try chicken with sausage, or shrimp with ham. There’s no right or wrong combination¾it’s whatever tastes good!

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    知识越多越敢动2009-02-04 00:57:11
    没吃过,和一般速冻西式炒饭(如Uncle Ben)有什么不同吗?
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    cajun JAMBALAYA很好吃
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