第一个tattoo完成,我起身照镜子,看那颗鲜红鲜红的心在我的后背: 醒目。要的就是这个效果,我很满意。Erika告诉我第二个我不用趴着了,坐在椅子上抱着枕头,顶着床,背对她就好。
"this one at least hurts the same as the first one, definitely not less" i said.
"oh, really?" Her voice from behind. "this one does have a lot of colors"
"maybe at the time you finished the last one, i got used to the way it hurt in that area, and now you just started a totally new area..."
"we'll give it another 5 minutes for it to numb out..."
"all right, if you say so..."
Erika又换颜色了,我长呼了一口气。她说,you are doing great, i have 2 more colors to do and it will look cool and pretty. 好吧,胜利在向我招手,我忍。
当我拿着小镜子欣赏自己的后背的时候,Erika在给我讲注意事项。我眼睛瞟到她的waste bin里面扔的几张带有血迹的纸,那是她在我后背边刺边擦血时候用的。
Erika看我满意,又给那两个纹身的地方做了一些清理工作,就拿了两个黑色的 bandages 把它们盖上,说,leave them on for tonight. you can take them off and shower tomorrow morning.
我谢过她,走出tattoo shop,去停车场取车。此时的downtown,车来人往。我的后背,在两块黑黑的 bandages下面,隐隐的痛着,我生活中的又一个excitement就这么结束了。。。