@绿豆豆@2009-09-17 15:36:31
Not just any "Rock", it is Kid Rock. 我独自一人去听了他的现场,嚎骂,满眼都是白的,没有一个亚洲人的脸孔。音乐会结束是晚上11点多,大家都high的不行,我随着人流往外走,心里还真有点犯嘀咕。我回来打电话跟闺密说,她说,活该,country music本来就是白人的东西,就你,上赶着去听。

我打算去听Kid Rock的时候,就问过闺密想不想一起去。不去,你也别去,她跟我说,忒吵。然后她又说,你怎么会喜欢Kid Rock呢,你不是向来都眼馋阳光型的小帅哥吗?

就是啊?我怎么会想去听Kid Rock呢?他的音乐其实有点杂,最早是有点country有点 rock 'n' roll, 最近还有点rap。在北美长大的人大都知道他,就算不知道他的音乐,也知道他跟Pamela Anderson有过一段。


在卫生间排队的时候,我前面三个白女人,一人戴一个cowboy hat,大声的说笑,她们在谈论的是big black guys,听得我耳热心跳。等我找到座位,旁边已经坐了另外三个白女人,入手一杯啤酒,跟我打招呼。我一个人无聊,给朋友发短信: cougar alert, come over after the concert, fat chance to get laid. 朋友回,crazy talk, crazy U.

Kid Rock有一首so-called "cheating song",当年是他和Sheryl Crow合唱的,叫 "picture",我觉得挺好听。还有我比较喜欢他的一首是"only god knows why"。"picture" 里面有一句词"wish I had a good girl to miss me " -- 被公认为 american badAss的他,在寂寞的时候,也盼望着有位好姑娘会惦记他。

Living my life in a slow hell
different girl every night at the hotel
I aint seen the sun shine in 3 damn days
been fuelin up on cocaine and whiskey
wish I had a good girl to miss me
but I wonder if I'll ever change my ways
I put your picture away
sat down and cried today
I cant look at you while I'm lying next to her
I put your picture away
sat down and cried today
I cant look at you while I'm lying next to her

I called u last night in the hotel
everyone knows but they wont tell
but there half hided smiles tell me somethin just aint right
I've been waiting on you for a long time
fuelin up on heartaches and she'd whine
I aint heard from you in 3 damn nights
I put your picture away
I wonder where you've been
I cant look at you while I'm lyin next to him
I put your picture away
I wonder where you've been
I cant look at you while I'm lyin next to him

I saw you yesterday with an old friend
it wuz the same old same how have you been
since you've been gone my worlds been dark and gray
you reminded me of brighter days
I hope to be coming home to stay
I wuz head of the church
I wuz off to drink you away
I thought about you for a long time
can't seem to get you off my mind
I cant stand why we?re living like this way
I found your picture today
I swear I'll change my ways
I just called to say I want you to come back home
I found your picture today
I swear I'll change my ways
I just called to say I want you to come back home
I just called to say I love you
come back home

叶泥泥2009-09-17 16:13:16
这歌我也特喜欢. rock n roll 跟country 是有血缘关系的...
笑比哭好2009-09-17 16:48:14
挺好听的.我喜欢~~~ps:Peter, Paul and Mary 主音歌星玛丽病逝
叶泥泥2009-09-17 17:08:03
笑比哭好2009-09-17 17:24:16
叶泥泥2009-09-17 17:29:28
那倒是:D, 不过我老歌星知道得也不少, 这仨就从来没看过...
笑比哭好2009-09-17 17:31:59