咖啡屋的角落2009-11-07 17:55:17

Please help me to inform 金色的麦田-香龙血树 Glider- 狗肉- ERommel-大江川-today,

Pleae don't go "网上谈兵" any more,

I wouldn't be there any more.

there is few sick peoples there, it is not health to play there for us.

I will make a nice writing for others at ZAtan today when I am ready .

below is copy from 大江川



我也严重地建议掀起一个learn 大江川's poem.

not time now


Glider2009-11-07 18:11:08
呵呵,What about 几曾回首 ?
金色的麦田2009-11-07 20:20:44
迷途知返,可贺 -狗肉- ♂