@绿豆豆@2010-02-18 14:50:08
早上出门的时候穿大衣,隐隐香水的味道 --啊,头天晚上我去听John Mayer的现场了。

John Mayer 的成名曲是 "your body is a wonderland",在2003年给他赢了一个格莱美大奖。我还记得他在颁奖晚会上,抱着一把木吉它,边弹边唱
"We got the afternoon
You got this room for two
One thing I've left to do
Discover me
Discovering you ..."


John Mayer的人也是我的类型 -- 一副爱谁谁的架势,闷骚得一塌糊涂。我知道我知道,我这个人没出息。我闺密就不喜欢他,说有啥好的,说话不靠谱的厉害。哎,这点我和她很象,看人注重whole package。但是我同样懂得,既然是whole package,就不能太挑啊。我跟闺密说,你马上立刻,给我说出一个名字,TA又有才人又好相处的。闺密说不上来,还是的嘛,John Mayer在我这儿,就是个才子,外貌也是我喜欢的有清晰脸部线条,身材高高的不太壮也不单薄,够了够了,再多我就要管不住我自己了~~~

Johy Mayer整场都是边弹吉它边唱的,唱Gravity的时候,间奏好长一段都是他在飚吉它,帅得哟~~~~还有一段他抱着木吉它,把几首老歌串在一起唱。他边唱边给吉它调音,结果一根弦就崩了,他手一扯甩在一边,5跟弦照样弹,帅帅帅!!!

John Mayer在舞台上说起话来还是挺可爱的,反正我这么认为。好多人都带着signs,都是赤裸裸的offers呀,John Mayer说啦,谢谢,但是打算演唱会结束,还上PJ就洗洗睡啦~~~



Call up a girl that I used to know
Fake love for an hour or so

I don’t remember you looking any better
But then again I don’t remember you

Who Says

Who says I can’t get stoned?
Turn off the lights and the telephone
Me and my house alone
Who says I can’t get stoned?

Who says I can’t be free?
From all of the things that I used to be
Re-write my history
Who says I can’t be free?

It’s been a long night in New York City
It’s been a long night in Baton Rouge
I don’t remember you looking any better
But then again I don’t remember you

Who says I can’t get stoned?
Call up a girl that I used to know
Fake love for an hour or so
Who says I can’t get stoned?

Who says I can’t take time?
Meet all the girls on the county line
Then wait on fate to send a sign
Who says I can’t take time?

It’s been a long night in New York City
It’s been a long night in Austin too
I don’t remember you looking any better
But then again I don’t remember you

Who says I can’t get stoned?
Plan a trip to Japan alone
Doesn’t matter if I even go
Who says I can’t get stoned?

It’s been a long night in New York City
It’s been a long time since 20 too
I don’t remember you looking any better
But then again I don’t remember you
安贝儿2010-02-18 15:33:59
found this comment on the internet:
@绿豆豆@2010-02-18 15:56:00
安贝儿2010-02-18 16:03:37
哈哈,他把jennifer aniston给甩了。有个性。额稀饭~~~~~
讲不清2010-02-18 21:35:29