圈外闲人2012-10-11 04:23:49










Mr. Everett Dickens is the current museum curator in the San Jose Museum of Art. He mostly manages the food art exhibition, which is almost like a whole museum by itself. He has nicknamed it the Gingerbread Museum, apparently because of the big gingerbread house there. Another nickname for it is the Gingerbread Museum of Candy, Omelets, Spinach, Ice, and Biscuits, because they are the most common displays.

Most of the sculptures are placed inside glass display cases, but the gingerbread house is not. The gingerbread house is actually the size of a real house. It is free for eating, because somehow, the candy simply grows back. Or, at least, that’s what the brochures say. People who have been there say Mr. Dickens puts the candy back. The museum allows people to stay overnight and try to catch him in the act, but no one has caught him – yet.

There is a built-in bathroom inside, but that is not made of candy, thankfully. There also is a playroom, a greenhouse, a rooftop garden, and all sorts of things, but most visitors like the candy painting in the living room. It is made of candy, and shows a perfect gingerbread house, with gingerbread men all around it. Some are sewing clothing, others are shaping ice over fires, and more are harvesting plants or writing news on omelets. But most of them are encircling the king, laden with offerings of packages.

Interestingly, the king bows towards the people, instead of the people bowing towards the king. Also, the people are holding gifts, many with “to our king” scrawled on them. Some look like ice gift boxes, revealing weapons, bookshelves, even mirrors with shiny ice surfaces. Others are objects wrapped in thin layers of tissue-paper-like omelets. There are spinach-wrapped gifts, with openings in them revealing clothes. They also have various buttons and stick-on Velcro sticks. Mouthwatering biscuit packages with items placed inside them lay on the hands of gingerbread people. The rest are rigid Laffy Taffy boxes with ribbons of Fruit Roll-Ups and spun cotton candy. Some people say that the picture has a lifelike quality about it.

Mr. Dickens seems to have a connection to all those foods: Gingerbread is his favorite food, and omelets are his second favorite. Spinach was the archenemy of his childhood, ice is his current opinion of the plainest food in the world, and biscuits were his childhood favorite food. He considers an overexposure to too much candy bad for people, even though he himself uses it for bribing kids to behave.

He has a strange interest for gingerbread houses. He leads many tours around the museum, but he avoids leading tours in certain parts of the gingerbread house.

The museum janitor is also Mr. Dickens, so his shoulders are weighted down with responsibilities, from picking up leftover crumbs to make sure the ants don’t get it, to keeping the bathroom keys. He makes special care not to put vacuums, brushes, brooms, mops, and other such things near the candy portrait in the gingerbread house. He goes out of his way to completely avoid it, almost like it is a bomb, but every time someone proposes to remove it, he objects. You may think that his behavior is most peculiar, but it was born out of a very certain experience as a fourth grade student while he was touring the museum for the first time…

阿方2012-10-11 14:46:08
圈外闲人2012-10-11 18:12:40