北美君子2014-02-21 17:02:06



这次在俄罗斯索契举行的冬奥会上,美国高山滑雪运动员36岁的Bode Miller获得了滑雪铜牌。这枚铜牌是在他膝盖手术后获得的。

Bode Miller是奥林匹克冬运会历史上获得高山滑雪奖牌年龄最大的运动员。

Bode的兄弟Chelone Miller,也是一名美国滑雪运动员,于去年4月病逝。

作为奖牌获得者,Bode于赛后接受了NBC 记者Cooper采访。在采访中,话题逐渐引向了Bode逝去的兄弟。

Cooper问道“Bode,  你在这里看上去很激动, 你都想了些什么?”时,满脸胡须一副典型男子汉模样的Bode表情痛苦,眼圈红了。随着对话,Bode眼内逐渐噙满泪水,语音哽咽。

Cooper问道“你在比赛将要开始时你眼睛望着天上,我们看到了你好像在和谁说话,发生了什么?”时,辛酸 的一幕发生了:只见Bode没有回答问话,却捂着脸慢慢蹲了下来。过了一会儿,Bode 扶着围栏慢慢站了起来,走了几步,又蹲了下去,无声抽泣







Cooper: Bode, such an extraordinary accomplishment, at your age, after a turbulent year, coming back from knee surgery, to get this medal today, put it in perspective. How much does this mean to you?

Miller: I mean it's incredible. I always feel like I'm capable of winning medals but as we've seen this Olympics it's not that easy. To be on the podium, this was a really big day for me. Emotionally, I had a lot riding on it. Even though I really didn't ski my best, I'm just super super happy.

Cooper: For a guy who says that medals don't really matter, that they aren't the thing, you've amassed quite a collection. What does this one mean to you in terms of all the others.

Miller: This was a little different. You know with my brother passing away, I really wanted to come back here and race the way he sensed it. This one is different.

Cooper: Bode, you're showing so much emotion down here, what's going through your mind?

Miller: Um, I mean, a lot. Obviously just a long struggle coming in here. It's just a tough year, and…

Cooper: I know you wanted to be here with Chelly, really experiencing these games. How much does this mean to you to come up with this great performance for him? And was it for him?

Miller: I don't know if it's really for him but I wanted to come here and, I don’t know, make myself proud, but ... (trails off)

Cooper: When you're looking up in the sky at the start, we see you there and it looks like you're talking to somebody. What's going on there?

Miller: (breaks down and cries, Cooper puts an arm on him)

劲松在山岗2014-02-23 00:08:27
圈外闲人2014-02-23 22:20:10