圈外闲人2014-06-22 01:36:59



















Bus Zombies

Reader, beware! A new phenomenon is sweeping across the civilized world, especially in places with many tourist attractions. Its name: Bustoritus Zombinosus, also known as Bus Zombie.

Bus Zombie commonly affects those who remain on buses for extended periods of time, especially those on bus tours. It destroys normal sleep patterns and causes victims to become lethargic to the point of having no interest in anything.

Common symptoms include:

·         Sleepiness from dawn to sunset

·         Extreme lethargy

·         Little response to outside stimuli

·         Eating very little

Bus Zombie is mostly contracted through long periods of driving. Those taking car and bus trips for multiple days are very vulnerable, especially if there are no frequent stops. Research shows four or more days of driving can cause Bus Zombie to occur. Why it happens is still unknown. Bus Zombie is not contagious; having multiple people on a vehicle may decrease chances of getting Bus Zombie if they can intellectually stimulate each other. Different people have varying degrees of resistance to Bus Zombie. It is not deadly, but it can seriously reduce enjoyment, happiness, and pleasure in road trips.

Ways to avoid Bus Zombie include:

·         Not taking a road trip

·         Frequent stops

·         Longer stops

·         Intellectually challenging stimuli, such as an audiobook CD

·         Good food

As you can see, Bus Zombie is a dangerous condition that should be avoided. Be smart and avoid contracting Bustoritus Zombinosus!