市面上声称有各种疗效的茶种类很多,看多了眼花缭乱有种疲劳感,干脆那种都不信。平时基本遵守民间颇为流行的喝茶还要喝绿茶的说法,有时换点红茶喝。前不久一次从文学城博客偶然看到kava茶的说法。以前从末留意过,这次好奇心驱使买回了一盒 Yogi Kava Stress Relief 茶。做了二周个体临床实验,有效果。在这里和网友们分享一下。
Kava 是种产于南太平洋岛屿的植物(Piper methysticum), 拉丁文 'pepper' 希腊文意为 令人陶醉的('intoxicating')。Kava 茶由根部和地下茎磨成粉末制作而成。南太平洋诸岛国人民己有上千年饮用kava 茶的历史,是宗教仪式,各种仪式活动或聚会中不可或缺的。
维基”Kava” 一文中引用了二段颇有诗意的描述:
"A well prepared Kava potion drunk in small quantities produces only pleasant changes in behavior. It is therefore a slightly stimulating drink which helps relieve great fatigue. It relaxes the body after strenuous efforts, clarifies the mind and sharpens the mental faculties"
"When the mixture is not too strong, the subject attains a state of happy unconcern, well-being and contentment, free of physical or psychological excitement...Kava soothes temperaments. The drinker never becomes angry, unpleasant, quarrelsome or noisy, as happens with alcohol. Both natives and whites consider kava as a means of easing moral discomfort. The drinker remains master of his conscience and reason. "
kava 茶有十几种有效成份,作用机理不完全清楚,但目前己知的基本科学道理如下: 作用并促进大脑神经递质多巴胺系统(Dopaminergic system) 的活动,另外作用于大脑神经递质五胫色胺系统(Serotoninergic system). 多巴胺作为神经递质调控中枢神经系统的多种生理功能。
注意事项:质量和剂量是关键。质量上讲Yogi 牌子的茶还是让人比较放心的。剂量上完全可以自己把握, 一袋茶可以自己掌握分2-
2. "Kava, with caveats: is this popular psychoactive tea bad for your liver?" - by Alessandra Potenza (9/14/2019)
3. "Can Kava Cure Anxiety?" Medically reviewed by Alan Carter, PharmD on May 8, 2019 — Written by Kathryn Watson
Youtube: “KAVA KAVA: The Herb of Happiness and Relaxation (Complete review)”:
Youtube: "Kava Bar Reaction":