线2005-07-08 03:44:53

这个游戏叫做ICO,讲述了这样的一个故事...... 很久很久以前,海边的一个古老村落有这样一条规定:凡是头上长角的人都要被送到女王的城堡里面做为祭品关在石棺里...... ICO就是这样一个小男孩儿...... 他侥幸地逃出了石棺,救出了女王的女儿,一个浑身发白光的小女孩儿,两个人一路越过了不可思议的无数机关,打败女王爪牙无数次的追捕,最终杀死了黑暗的女王,离开了不知耸立在海边多少年的古堡...... 玩这个游戏的时候,觉得他的环境描绘真太美了。我控制主人公走在吊桥上的时候,无论如何都要看看周围的风景......蓝蓝的海,雾蒙蒙的天,对面悬崖上的草木,还有宏伟的残破的古堡,阳光洒在树叶上的感觉,鸽子...... 城堡的每一个部分都是那么宏伟......神话时代的经典建筑...... 总觉得这不是游戏,是一部电影...... 贴上片尾曲,ICO和小女孩儿逃离城堡之后,在沙滩上看着古堡崩塌......那些他们曾经走过的地方......每一步都踩在生死的边缘...... 还好都生存了下来...... 很强烈的勇敢还有希望的感觉,瞭望塔上的海风带来了这歌声...... you were there The island bathes in the sun’s bright rays Distant hills wear a shroud of grey A lonely breeze whispers in the trees Sole witness to history Fleeting memories rise From the shadows of my mind Sing "nonomori" - endless corridors Say "nonomori" - hopeless warriors You were there You were there Am I forever dreaming How to define the way I’m feeling You were there Countless visions they haunt me in my sleep You were there Though forgotten all promises we keep Slaves to our destiny I recall a melody Sing "nonomori" - seasons lit with gold Say "nonomori" - legends yet untold You were there You were there Happiness follows sorrow Only believing in tomorrow You were there Countless visions they haunt me in my sleep You were there Though forgotten all promises we keep The island bathes in the sun’s bright rays Distant hills wear a shroud of grey A lonely breeze whispers in the trees Sole key to this mystery