(^@^),,)~2005-07-22 16:38:39


A night of december so dark and cold,
I walked a path ages old
The moon amongst the clouds revealed
lightning valleys, forest and field

Embraced by silence I wandered the moor
an endless landscape by my side
when in the mist I saw a light
dancing through the hazy night

I stood and watched the play in awe
was deeply touched by what I saw
I told my friends what I did see
and what they told did tremble me!

It\'s said the ghost of a young, fair maid
is cursed to dwell beneath the shade
of the olden oak she died below
O that was many moons ago!
Many moons ago
by Empyrium

Empyrium 是著名的黑暗厂牌 Prophecy 的创始乐队。Empyrium 的风格是独一无二的,忧伤无比又充满诗意。有人称之为森林金属,有人称之为严冬金属...任何文字都不足以形容 Empyrium 音乐的忧伤,它是生命的忧伤,必然而无可挽回,它是超越生命的忧伤,如森林的精灵,静静飘摇,遍经千年轮回。 Many moons ago 讲述了一个关于鬼魂的传说,歌词优美工整,如诗如画。贯穿的木吉它伴奏清澈如水,甜美到让人心碎。







fairy2005-07-22 16:59:07
水...2005-07-22 17:54:39
秋风落叶2005-07-22 18:32:40
白鹭飞2005-07-23 03:22:35