@^_^@2005-08-07 15:57:57

Make Yourself Lucky

Do you wish you had better luck? Then stop wishing and start making it so.

Good luck does not just randomly appear. Good luck comes to those who attract it.

Live this day as if it is the most precious and important day in your life, and you'll make yourself lucky. Seek ways to provide real, lasting value to others, and you'll make yourself lucky.

Be anxious to learn, to explore, to hone your skills and you'll make yourself lucky. Live with patience, discipline, integrity and a commitment to truth, and you'll make yourself lucky.

Focus on the positive possibilities, and you'll make yourself lucky. Take the actions that will manifest the best of those possibilities into reality, and you'll make yourself lucky.

There's no limit to the amount of good luck you can enjoy when you take the positive, productive actions that will bring it your way. Make yourself lucky, and experience for yourself how great it can be.

-- Ralph Marston

受益匪浅!2005-08-07 16:31:07
某部潜水员2005-08-07 16:35:17
秋风落叶2005-08-07 16:54:45
邵俊可2005-08-07 17:44:29
waterwgh2005-08-07 22:22:16
巴黎的春天2005-08-08 02:03:59
一次次的感动, 一次次的收获, 一次次的鼓舞,谢谢你!
白鹭飞2005-08-08 05:10:55