fairy2005-09-15 20:49:12

6/22/1941, 德国进攻苏维埃。




01/06/1941,罗斯福阐明 “四个自由” -
Four Freedoms. In his message to Congress proposing lend-lease legislation (Jan. 6, 1941), President Franklin Delano Roosevelt stated that Four Freedoms should prevail everywhere in the world—freedom of speech and expression, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.

Edward Hopper 完成名画 Nighthawks.


World Series
NY Yankees d. Brooklyn Dodgers (4-1)

Stanley Cup
Boston d. Detroit (4-0)

International trends

盲人古巴音乐巨人Arsenio Rodriguez开始了他身为最具影响力的拉丁歌手的统治期。

Arsenio Rodriguez为当时古巴最重要乐团的领导者 ,他在30-40年代间为古巴音乐的节奏写下了重大改革..


1. Poco Pelo

2. Adivinalo

An early pioneer of salsa music, in the '40s and early '50s, Arsenio Rodriguez led one of the most killer Cuban combos in the world. Many of their recordings still sound surprisingly modern, with sharp, melodic horn charts and fluid, expressive vocals. As a young child, Rodriguez was blinded when a horse kicked him in the head ,Arsenio was known as "El Ciego Maravilloso," the Blind Marvel (or the "marvelous blind guy," for the more literal among you). By reinventing the traditional Cuban son, Arsenio gave birth to a thoroughly rhythmic dance music, the precursor to salsa, which has since taken over the airwaves of much of the western hemisphere. he eventually became one of the most renowned bandleaders on the island. His music emphasized the Afro-Cuban rhythm as well as the melodic lead of the tres guitar, which he helped popularize. Although he had stints in the US, Rodriguez returned to Cuba as his home base. Unfortunately, his fortunes fell in the early '60s, and in 1971, Rodriguez died a poor man, living in obscurity in Los Angeles, California, just as his style of aggressive dance music was gaining its greatest popularity in the New York and Miami.

Music of the United States

Les Paul builds the first solid-body electric guitar


Almanac Singers一支流行于四十年代的FOLK MUSIC组合

The Almanac Singers were a group of folk musicians who achieved brief popularity in the early 1940s. Members Millard Lampell, Lee Hays, Pete Seeger, and Woody Guthrie began playing together informally after Seeger and Hays had been playing at left-wing political functions for a time. Mainstream national success began after the American Youth Congress meeting in Washington D.C. in February of 1941. Others who sang with the group at various times included Sis Cunningham, Butch Hawes, Cisco Houston, Bess Lomax (Hawes), and Arthur Stern .

Politics and music remained closely intertwined with the members' political beliefs, which were far-left and occasionally led to controversial associations with the Communist Party USA. Their first release was an album called Songs for John Doe, would urged non-intervention in World War II, and was made with the help of Eric Bernay (of Keynote), Joe Thompson (of NBC), Nicholas Ray (future film director) and Alan Lomax (musicologist). The second album was Talking Union, a collection of labor songs, many of which were intensely anti-Roosevelt.

More recordings followed, but blacklisting and internal friction soon drove the group apart. Seeger and Hays founded communal homes called Almanac Houses, but the group fell apart soon after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

fairy2005-09-15 20:56:11
笑咪咪2005-09-15 20:56:23
小仙女MM, 好铁不断啊!!
绿色和平原子弹2005-09-15 20:57:55
某部潜水员2005-09-15 20:58:48
fairy2005-09-15 21:01:19
fairy2005-09-15 21:03:42
fairy2005-09-15 21:04:49
绿色和平原子弹2005-09-15 21:07:57
fairy2005-09-15 21:10:10
跑跑2005-09-15 21:12:37
书童2005-09-15 21:13:54
fairy2005-09-15 21:16:50
fairy2005-09-15 21:18:09
Stiella2005-09-16 00:06:12
Grant2005-09-16 02:48:33
◆zombie◆2005-09-16 03:43:17
很棒^_^唱Blowin'in the wind
肖萧2005-09-16 05:11:14
花菜菜2005-09-18 20:27:02
花菜菜2005-09-18 20:29:38
收获不是多, 是多多多:))喜欢喜欢,佩服佩服
雁过留声2005-09-18 21:00:20
那幅名画我在芝加哥艺术博物馆看到了,当时有人在临摹 (图)