供你参考2005-10-11 20:54:22

Julio Iglesias and his best work of lifetime --- the son Enrique Iglesias

Crazy by Julio Iglesias

Hero by Enrique Iglesias

Dois Amigos by Julio Iglesias

One Night Stand by Enrique Iglesias

If You Go Away by Julio Iglesias

I Will Survive by Enrique Iglesias

Starry Night by Julio Iglesias

六月雪19872005-10-11 21:29:27
他们是父子?! 下载了,谢谢!
dl,please2005-10-11 21:33:32
love them! how can i
供你参考2005-10-11 21:40:31
You can put the cursor on the
供你参考2005-10-11 21:44:09
My pleasure! For your referenc
某部潜水员2005-10-11 22:03:46
Great songs.Didn't know他们是父子.
3qsalot2005-10-11 22:11:58
回复:You can put the cursor on the
供你参考2005-10-11 22:11:59
回复:Enrique Iglesias was born
供你参考2005-10-11 22:16:20
No problem. That's a good ID.
水底的蓝2005-10-11 22:39:27
好听. 谢了!
供你参考2005-10-11 22:43:44
Likewise. Hope to hear more of
春天的童话2005-10-11 22:54:46
水底的蓝2005-10-11 22:59:23
Thanks! I have a question
供你参考2005-10-11 23:03:41
Have to agree with you, 童话.
供你参考2005-10-11 23:07:48
if you want to upload pic, try